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Fashion, Hair & Makeup

8 Interesting Facts About Perfumes title image

8 Interesting Facts About Perfumes

Beauty Essentials to Keep in Your Purse

Today’s Royal Apparel – Tomorrow’s Fashion Leaders

This infographic, created by Corgi Hosiery, demonstrates how much influence what the Royals wear has on fashion. The graphic includes information on the fashions of Queen Victoria, The Duke of Windsor, King Edward VII and more and explains how their fashions influenced trends going forward. Sources: Vogue Moment & Corgi Hosiery


Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide for Beauty and Fragrance Junkies featured image

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide for Beauty and Fragrance Junkies

As Christmas day nears, Alyaka wants to help you find the best last minute presents by coming up with a list of the most luxurious gifts especially for beauty and fragrance junkies. See the holiday gift infographic below for make-up gifts, fragrance gifts, home scents and more. Source: Alyaka
